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Geological and Environmental Consulting Located in South Florida
Need a Proposal? Call: 786.351.4191 Email:
Our Services
Biscayne Aquifer Services is proficient at managing environmental projects for residential, commercial & industrial sites, airports, golf courses, schools and churches throughout Florida, Delaware & Pennsylvania, that could require the following services:
Aquifer Testing
Groundwater Sampling
Groundwater Modeling
Construction Dewatering permitting
FDEP Reasonable Assurance Reports for Class V, Group 6 Stormwater Drainage Well permitting
NPDES Stormwater and Sedimentation Control permitting
& inspection -
Drilling oversight, borehole logging
UST, Tank Closure Assessment Reports
UST, Drycleaner and Agri-chemicals Site Assessment Reports
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ASTM 1527-21)
Phase II ESAs
Landfill Gas Monitoring
Quality Assurance
Due Diligence

TCAR for Spill Bucket Closure

TCAR for Dispenser Sumps Closure

Groundwater Sampling
Call Today for a Proposal
Tel. 786.351.4191

Phase I & II ESAs

TCAR for UST Closure
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